Jamshed N. Cooper

Jamshed N. Cooper


Relief to Underpriveleged Section of the Society

Recognising the need of the hour, as a responsible corporate citizen, HC India decided to contribute Ruppee One every bag sold that would go towards feeding the underprivileged section of the society. Under the mission “annam”, dry ration packets are distributed which could feed a family for a week.

While the pandemic has impacted the Business and Economy, the bigger challenge before the Govt. would be unemployement which is touching ~26% compared to 7%-8%. The Govt. has provided COVID relief packages to contain the impact of pandemic, it would not be enough and therefore calls for corporates to step in and contribute in these times.

Under mission “annam”, support would be provided to ~60,000 families.

Sharp focus on “beneficiaries”

To implement the distribution, local channel partners are coming forward to volunteer and ensure that the beneficiraies are the needy ones. Local Govt. Administration too has come forward and are helping us maintain discipline during distrubition activities and maintain Social distancing.

Jamshed N. Cooper

Jamshed N. Cooper